The Ultimate Guide to Skiing Steamboat Resort

Steamboat Springs, Colorado is heralded as “Ski Town, USA” due to Steamboat Resort’s 2965 acres of runs containing everything under the sun, from trees to chutes, all filled with the magical valley’s copious amounts of Champagne Powder ™. Any adventure seeker, whether a first time skier or a seasoned ski bum, is sure to have an amazing day on the resort under Colorado’s bluebird sky. But with so much fun terrain to explore, it can be hard to know where to begin. For this reason, we designed a list of “bests” in order to help shape your Steamboat experience.
Best Groomer
High Noon
At first glance, one might think that all groomers are created equal. But this is not the case. What makes a great groomer, you might ask? Ski down High Noon, off of Sunshine or Sundown Lift, and you will have your answer. This run angles at a perfect pitch, not too steep and not too flat, and it is as smooth as butter. No matter the time of day, you can always cruise down this run and expect to be able to carve sweet S-turns. The best part? Big rollers act as fun “whoop de doos” for more advanced skiers, and help slow down more beginner skiers.
Best Easy Trees
Olympic Trees
If you’re looking to take your mini-shredder or a newbie to try their hand at some trees, then look no further. Olympic Trees are low angle, gladed aspen trees with small rollers and lots of space: perfect for anyone who wants to see what tree skiing is like but doesn’t want to smack into one. Plus, these trees have an added surprise: informative, fun signs that highlight major Olympians who have come from Steamboat. What better way to inspire your little ripper? In order to get there, start skiing down High Noon and then immediately cut skiers left toward Flintlock. You’ll see a grouping of aspen directly in front of you, with a sign that highlights Steamboat’s olympians.
Best Advanced Trees
When people ask me what makes Steamboat Resort different from other Colorado resorts, I tell them it has the best tree skiing I’ve ever experienced. On a powder day, nothing can compare to an early morning run down Closets (off of Storm Peak Express, take the cat track skiers left and then drop down into the trees on the right). This gladed mix of aspen and pine are perfectly spaced and perfectly angled for some hero turns. Get ready for really sustained, rhythmic tree skiing. If you're lucky, you’ll hit it on a bluebird day after a storm, and the trees will be “ghosted”, meaning they are covered in frozen snow crystals. Talk about winter wonderland!
Best Bump Run
Vertigo will destroy any shaky skier and put any advanced skier to the ultimate mogul test. If you like bumps, this is the run for you. It may be tempting to escape the crowds and cut off of Heavenly Daze at the end of the day to zoom down Vertigo. But be warned: you should only send it down this run after a full day of skiing if you have legs of steel. Bonus points to those who can do Vertigo from top to bottom.
Best Cruiser
Beginners who are ready to get away from the front side of the mountain can head over to Sundown lift, where they will find solace in Sundial to Tomahawk. This easy sequence of runs is perfect for little kiddos and novices who are linking turns, transitioning from pizza to french fry, and can stop on a dime (or at least, can stop by falling over). Pro tip: take these runs right before lunch, then hop on South Peak lift at the bottom to get to Rendezvous Lodge, where a delicious chili bowl lunch awaits.
Best Classic Run
Buddy’s Run
Right to the skier’s right of Storm Peak Express Lift is the most classic run of Steamboat Resort. Named after famous olympian Buddy Werner, Buddy’s Run is a long and sustained blue, groomed on the right and bumpy on the left. You can’t ski Steamboat without getting on Buddy’s. As you approach the top of the run, be sure to do as the locals do and tap the statue of Buddy’s head for good luck.
Best Sendy Run
Head to North St. Pat’s if you are a double black skier looking to get sendy. This hike to terrain off of the top of Morningside Lift gets skied far less than the rest of the resort, so you can still find powder stashes days after a storm. Plus, there are plenty of steeps and huge rocks to throw your body off of, if you so dare.
Best Powder Stash
Speaking of powder, if you are on the hunt, Hot Cakes has got you covered. It takes multiple lifts to get to this run, so it rarely gets skied. If you find yourself on the top of Sunshine or Sundown lift, take the cat track towards Morningside and cut off skier’s left onto Hot Cakes. A local favorite, this short run is full of little jumps, rollers, and tons of untouched snow. Remember to save some for the rest of us!